“You can imagine me as a kid growing up in redneck Texas with ballet shoes, tucking the violin under my arm. I had to fight my way up.”
Shoe Quote of the Month – October 2015

“You can imagine me as a kid growing up in redneck Texas with ballet shoes, tucking the violin under my arm. I had to fight my way up.”
“It fills me with a weird rage to wear shoes that make me not able to walk easily or run if I had to. It feeds into this whole ‘war on women’ thing in my head.”
“I think I have something tonight that’s not quite correct for evening wear. Blue suede shoes.”
“I’m going to erect a shelf in my bedroom with an art light to be the spot for the shoes of the month.”
“For me that’s one of the great indulgences in life – a hand-tailored suit and a great pair of shoes.”
“Shoes must have very high heels and platforms to put women’s beauty on a pedestal.”
“It was very flattering when Manolo Blahnik named a shoe after me.”
“I have tennis shoes with little rhinestones that I slip on if I exercise. But I always wear heels, even around the house. I’m such a short little thing, I can’t reach my kitchen cabinets.”
“When people wear shoes that don’t fit them, it says something about their soul. Generally, I think it means they are good people.”
“Usually, I wear tennis shoes as my feet are flat, and it hurts to wear anything other than shoes that are cushiony.”